Welcome parents and friends to the latest edition of the FOTV newsletter
In this newsletter you will find the following.
- Information on the latest FOTV General Meeting, including a link to the minutes and an introduction to the latest members of the executive committee,
- A report from our FOTV Treasurer on where your P&C Contribution goes, and
- Information on upcoming School and FOTV events.
Highlights included:
- Parent University session hosted by Lou Deibe
- Panel discussion on the latest on the LLV Building Project and response to recent negative media firestorm (panel: Stephanie McConnell, Jason Wong and David Hope (President of NSDC of P&Cs))
- Presentation of the 2021 FOTV Budget, including funding priorities and
- Endorsement of two new members of the FOTV Leadership Team:
- Angela Collins, who augments her role as Socialites Lead to take on a broader parent liaison role, including Extracurricular co-ordination. You can reach Angela via socialites@llv.community
- Lisa Griffiths, who has taken on the oversight of all FOTV community events and our dedicated Village Elves. You can reach Lisa via vicepresident2@llv.community
- Here’s the link to the Minutes page, which has the meeting’s minutes prepared by the FOTV Secretary, Alyssa Yoong.
- As part of the preparations for the FOTV General Meeting, We requested questions from parents to be submitted ahead of time. Here is the link to the Minutes page with questions and Stephanie’s answers.
You might have noticed that the accounts sent out by the school include an optional contribution to Friends of the Village, the Village’s P&C association. Perhaps you’ve wondered what happens to those contributions…?
Other than some small costs associated with running the FOTV (less than 2% of our total turnover), all money raised by the Friends, whether through these donations, through our fundraising events, or through the Uniform Shop, are used to support the school community. This year the school has asked us to support four projects. We have provided the funds requested for two small projects:
- Buddy, the education support dog. FOTV are contributing funds to provide food, rest cages, play toys and other incidental costs to look after this key member of the team.
- Replacing the native beehive, originally installed as part of the FoTV 2020 sustainable garden project but damaged by bush turkey attack.
There are two larger projects that we have been able to provide part of the funding requested by the school:
Acoustic improvements to the music rooms – ceiling fixtures to reduce echo and resonances in the music rooms and practice rooms. The total cost of this project is estimated at $20,000, and we have committed $15,000 towards that cost.
- The fitting out of the “Third Space” (library reimagined) as a study/retreat/quiet space for students. The total cost of the beautiful fit-out designed by the school is estimated at $50,000, and we have committed $26,900 towards that cost.
If we receive more income, either through fundraising or through your contributions via the school, it will enable us to increase the contribution that we can make to the acoustic improvements and the third space, and/or to support a fifth project in the pipeline, the renovation of pianos across the school open spaces.
If you have any questions, feel free to drop me an email at treasurer@llv.community
Chris Goringe, FOTV treasurer
Our Mountaintop Moment for this term is fast approaching! On Wednesday 23rd June, the Village will be open from 3.30 pm – 6.30 pm.
There will be food, merriment, community and celebration as students from all stages present exhibitions and performances showcasing their talents.
We will be ticketing this event so look out for the details very soon!
Mandarin Drive
to support our farmers led by Tanya from our sustainability working group! Mandarins up on shop from Monday 7 June and orders will end on Monday 14/6.
Athletics Carnival Bake Sale 
The Elves are busy preparing a delicious bake sale for our hungry athletes at the Athletics Carnival on Monday 7 June (Years 3-12).
If you would like to bake something to sell at the stall, please bring your NUT-FREE, SINGLE SERVE goodies to the reception area of school on Monday morning between 8:30am-9am, where our Head Elf, Kareena, will be ready to collect them.
Please note that our Elves cannot take anything that needs to be cut – so think cupcakes, cookies, muffins, slices… Yum!
Please make sure your kids have gold coins aplenty on Monday to purchase something delicious at the bake stall!
Crazy Socks And Hair Day
Thanks to everyone who bought some crazy socks! We sold more than 120 pairs – what an amazing community we have.
Socks will be available for pick up on Tuesday 8th June morning at drop off and just before pick up near the school reception. Students are more than welcome to pick up orders also.
And reminder for crazy sock and hair day also attached – see poster!
Silent Disco
A reminder that the K-6 Silent Disco will take place on Friday 18 June! If you booked a ticket last time, you’re all set. If you still need to book one, you can do that too:
K-2 students get their glow on from 5-6pm, while 3-6 students can dance away from 6:30-8pm.
Kids are encouraged to wear their best all-white or neon accented outfits!
Thank you to all the kind souls who volunteered to assist at the Disco some weeks ago – we will be in contact very soon to lock you all in for the new date. If anybody would like to volunteer and has not already been in contact, please email Lisa at vicepresident2@llv.community
Lastly, if there is a parent photographer out there who would like to volunteer their time and talent by taking some great shots of our kids at the Silent Disco, we’d love to hear from you! Again, please email vicepresident2@llv.community
SAVE THE DATE… we are having a party!! 
We have been busy planning our next social event for parents and would like to give you the heads up to clear your calendars for the evening of Saturday 14 August! More information to come…!
2021 Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant
The Sustainability Working Group has been successful with our application for a 2021 Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant to rehabilitate the bushland in The Atrium. The grant includes a bee bonus to use bee friendly plants.
Lindfield Learning Village is one of 1,609 primary schools and early learning centres throughout Australia receiving a Woolworths Junior Landcare grant to help grow our next generation of environmental champions. The grants are being funded with a 10c contribution from each sale of the Woolworths Bag for Good.
Click here to read more about our project: https://juniorlandcare.org.au/woolworthsgrants/map/index.php/grant-round-3/the-atrium-rehabilitation-project/