
The Lindfield Learning Village P&C Association, Friends of the Village, is a not-for-profit organisation formed for the benefit of students attending Lindfield Learning Village.

Membership is open to all parents and carers of students attending the school and to all citizens.

Annual membership is $2 and entitles you to be involved in the decision making of Lindfield Learning Village P&C Association. 

When you become a financial member you agree to follow:

There are many benefits to becoming a member of The Friends of the Village for you, your children and the school: 

  • You get to meet and connect with many other parents across all school stages.
  • You have the opportunity to collaborate in a whole range of meaningful projects and events that build a sense of community and provide support to the school
  • Our meetings, and communications in-between, help keep us up to date and involved as a parents at the school
  • Membership entitles you to vote at our meetings which means you are actively participating in decision-making by our school parent body
  • Our children get the message that we consider school to be a worthwhile cause
  • We are showing our children the importance of volunteering and participating in the wider community to make a difference


The more parents/carers and citizens who join FOTV, the greater the difference we can make collectively in supporting the school and our children.

Each FOTV member is valued for their individual contribution.  Your level of involvement and commitment of time and support is completely up to you. Your involvement may include:

  • participating once a term in our general meetings (including our AGM in Term 1)
  • volunteering for one-off events such as helping at a fundraising event or at a  working bee
  • joining a Working Group to assist in an area that suits your interests and skills
  • seeking nomination to join the FOTV Leadership Team so you can help support the running of FOTV throughout the year

'Becoming a member of The Friends of the Village was a great decision for us as parents. It has connected us to the school community and has given us a way to give back.'

Lucie Trinco

Parent, Lindfield Learning Village


To become a FOTV member, please purchase a current year membership for $2 from our FOTV SHOP.

Anyone can attend FOTV General Meetings, but only current financial members can vote on proposed motions.

Friends of the Village General Meetings are held quarterly – once a term! Our Annual General Meetings are held once each year, usually at the end of February.  Our Leadership Team meets monthly and our Working Groups meet according to their activities and workloads.

FOTV Meetings are held online – here are the dates for 2024:

Term 1: Thursday 22 February 2024, 7:30pm

Term 2: Tuesday 14 May 2024, 7:30pm

Term 3: Tuesday 13 August 2024, 7:30pm

Term 4: Tuesday 19 November 2024, 7:30pm

If you have any questions about membership, please email us at

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become a member today