Stage 2

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3-6 Hub (Stage 2 & 3) – Event at the Diddy

Join other LLV 3-6 hub families for a catch up at The Diddy (aka Longueville Sporting Club, Cnr Kenneth St & River Rd, Longueville), from 3pm onwards, on Saturday 25th June. Check out their website here: The whole family is welcome. The kids are free to run around on the upper green (BYO soccer ball […]

3-6 Hub: Minecraft Monday

We're planning a "Minecraft Monday" again on the first Monday of the school holidays (9-11am 26th September). We'll host a private game just for LLV 3-6 hub kids to play together, using their Minecraft Education accounts. More details closer, but pop in your diaries now! Contact you Stage Socialite or WhatsApp channel for more information.

Stage 2 & 3 – Ski Trip, Sept 2022

Hello 3-6 Hub! You are invited to be part of the first ever LLV families ski trip! We will be staying at the super lovely Barrakee Lodge, on the snow, in Perisher. Barrakee has a fantastic atmosphere! Our accommodation includes cooked breakfasts and super gourmet 3 course dinners. The food is absolutely delicious. Their 5 […]

2023 Stage 2 Meet-Up

Queen Elizabeth Reserve, Lindfield 19-43 Bradfield Rd, Lindfield, NSW, Australia

Sign-up details sent via private channels.  Contact if you didn't get these.