**POSTPONED** Stage 3 – Parent drinks and kids play
“The Diddy” Longueville Bowling Club.
Find the information you need from Friends of the Village.
“The Diddy” Longueville Bowling Club.
First Friday of every month at the Bitter Pea. Times above are indicative only – please check with your Socialites.
New date TBD, but likely to be Week 9 or Week 10 of Term 3.
The Term 2 Friends of the Village General Meeting will be held via Zoom. Call out for questions to Stephanie to be submitted by 19th May to the FOTV Secretary
FAMILY CAMPING WEEKEND Friday 23rd – Sunday 25th April – GLENWORTH VALLEY – 1 hour north from Sydney Camping weekend for parents that want to get together with their kids
LATEST info on what’s happening with our planned meetups, given changing COVID restrictions (https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/what-you-can-and-cant-do-under-rules/greater-sydney)
More info on what’s happening with our planned meetups, given changing COVID restrictions (https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/what-you-can-and-cant-do-under-rules/greater-sydney)
There are multiple time slots to choose from, in order to ensure that each meetup doesn’t exceed the 30 person limit for outdoor gatherings. Sign-up link with available time slots
Friends of the Village is the P&C Association of Lindfield Learning Village. We are an active and passionate community of parents and carers.
We treat every member of our community with respect, care and kindness. The villagers are generous, brave, and tenacious. The village is transformative for all members of the community. We are inherently collaborative.