2023 Stage 1 Meet-Up
Sign-up details sent via private channels. Contact comms@llv.community if you didn’t get these.
Find the information you need from Friends of the Village.
Sign-up details sent via private channels. Contact comms@llv.community if you didn’t get these.
Sign-up details sent via private channels. Contact comms@llv.community if you didn’t get these.
Monthly coffee meetings 9am (ish) after drop off on the last Friday of every month in term time at either Moore Street Cafe West Lindfield or Cafe Feoh Jane will message
Monthly coffee meetings 9am (ish) after drop off on the last Friday of every month in term time at either Moore Street Cafe West Lindfield or Cafe Feoh Jane will message
Dear Kindy Parents, Wow winter holidays are nearly here and so is our third event for Term 2! To make this event more special and interactive, yes we are taking
The Elves are busy preparing a delicious bake sale for our hungry athletes at the Athletics Carnival on Monday 7 June (Years 3-12). If you would like to bake something to sell
Mandarin Drive to support our farmers led by Tanya from our sustainability working group! Mandarins up on shop from Monday 7 June and orders will end on Monday 14/6. Click here to
On Saturday 14 August 7:30pm, we invite LLV parents to dress up, enjoy delicious food, live music, door prizes and great company upstairs at The Greengate in Killara! We’re very
Moore Avenue Cafe, West Lindfield 9.30 – 10.30am
Friends of the Village is the P&C Association of Lindfield Learning Village. We are an active and passionate community of parents and carers.
We treat every member of our community with respect, care and kindness. The villagers are generous, brave, and tenacious. The village is transformative for all members of the community. We are inherently collaborative.