FOTV News: 10 November 2021

In this news letter you will find

  • Photos from Halloween Dress Up Day 
  • Information on the popular Gingerbread House Kit Fundraiser this year
  • Information on the Sugar Free-zies Day – Friday 26 November.
  • Introduction to our New Families Program for 2022 – we need some volunteers!
  • Notice of our final General Meeting for the year is on Thursday 25 November @7.30pm


Thank you to everyone who dressed up on Friday 29 October and donated a gold coin to help raise funds for our school! It was such a fun day and it was amazing to see the students – and some staff – dressing up and getting a bit silly. 

We raised $200.


The deadline is fast approaching for last orders for the delicious Gingerbread Folk Gingerbread House Kits! Please place your orders here.

Don’t forget to ask your family, friends, neighbours and colleagues for their orders – and the Kits make excellent Christmas gifts too! So, even if you’ve already placed an order, jump on to the FOTV shop again and add to cart!

Delivery is expected in the week beginning 29 November and we are just working out the logistics of how to get the kits home to you, so stay tuned!

Thank you for supporting our major school fundraiser for Term 4, 2021.










On Friday 26 November, every student will be given a delicious Icy Stix, generously donated by the No Nasties Project, in an inaugural, national event that will simultaneously treat our kids to a healthy, fun icy pole and raise money to give to our chosen charity, INDIGENOUS LITERACY FOUNDATION.

This is a fantastic opportunity for students and their families to engage with this organisation, who are doing such great work supplying books to encourage a love of reading in our Indigenous families. They also run programs to inspire communities to tell and publish their own stories in the language they choose.


Please head on over to our FOTV Shop page and make your donation right now.


We are also encouraging you to send your student to school with their own small gold coin donation on Friday 26 November, so that all our kids can be involved and make the connection with their fundraising efforts and the work of the Indigenous Literacy Foundation.

Thank you in advance for your generosity and support!




In 2022, we will have lots of new students and their families joining our community at Lindfield Learning Village. We would like to make them feel very welcome before their first day at school! We have three tiers to this program:

  • Buddy System
  • Zoom Meet-Ups for New Parents in December
  • In-Person Play Dates & Meet-Ups for Families in January0

If you would like to connect with a new family as a Buddy in your stage and help them find their way, please click here to fill out the Google Form.

If you can join your stage-based Zoom meet-up and offer advice and wisdom to new parents, please sign up here. Times for the Zoom meetings are below and Zoom links will be sent through private channels.

Stay tuned for the details of our January meet-ups – they were a great success last year and we welcome any ideas you might have.


Kindy >Thursday 9 December 7-8pm
Stage 1 > Monday 6 December 7-8pm
Stage 2 > Tuesday 7 December 7-8pm
Stage 3 > Wednesday 8 December 7-8pm
Stage 4 > Monday 6 December 7-8pm


Meeting, laptop, coffee


Will be held on Thursday 24 November at 7.30pm via Zoom (unless we have some luck). Zoom link will be distributed via private channels (email and WhatsApp groups)

Stay Updated

Here are some of our latest news stories…
