January 2021 Meet-ups
Almost the end of the year! I’ve only just started to think about school holidays, if you are the same why not put this date in your diary and add
Find the information you need from Friends of the Village.
Almost the end of the year! I’ve only just started to think about school holidays, if you are the same why not put this date in your diary and add
LAST CALL!! LAST CALL!! LAST CALL!! LAST CALL!! The FOTV Welcome 2021 New Families Program has kicked off successfully and you will hear all about it at the FOTV GM
It’s that time again… time to celebrate our AWESOME LLV TEACHERS. As many teachers work across a number of stages, last year we came up with a way to ensure
Hello hello lovely people, Do you remember the feeling of getting the acceptance into LLV? SO EXCITING but do you remember all the questions you had? Well we have developed
Friends of the Village is the P&C Association of Lindfield Learning Village. We are an active and passionate community of parents and carers.
We treat every member of our community with respect, care and kindness. The villagers are generous, brave, and tenacious. The village is transformative for all members of the community. We are inherently collaborative.